Healing Together

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A True Story to lift Your aspirations in finding the Love of the Lord for you in your own journey in Healing -

A voice of support to those who are troubled, need hope or REALLY  NEED HOPE.  This is a very readable, tasteful, real-life experience of a person who battled abuse, same-sex attraction and a serious illness. It directs the reader to a path of choices based on faith in a door that is hard to see, A DOOR TO COMPLETE  PEACE   IN  THIS   LIFE.”


By Purchasing HEALING TOGETHER, we offer you......................................


  •  HOPE   that your success in healing really does matter to God;

  •  HOPE   that God really does send Ministering Angels in our day, to help us in  our healing;

  • HOPE that our Savior knows us and wants to help us individually.

  •  HOPE that you can take responsibility for your future.

  •  HOPE for families and communities - their love and support can help.

  •  HOPE that there can be forgiveness and healing for those that have continued on to become the perpetrators of acts against others, even abuse, stalking or satanic involvement.

“The Author has poured out her heart with this unique story.  Well written, very refreshing writing style. One of the most spiritual, yet interesting books I’ve read.  An unusually different love story.  I would recommend, HEALING TOGETHER to everyone.”


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  We CAN take responsibility for OUR lives!  There is an awakening to this fact!  WE do not have to remain helpless in our weaknesses!

I went to my first Evergreen Conference (a growing, successful, support-organization for same-gender attraction) in 1992.  It was held in a Chapel in Utah.  I didn’t see ONE other woman there, other than a staff member (who was the mother of a recovering man) and my daughter-in-law, who had brought me. 

Five years later–the same organization held their conference in a very large university auditorium.  It was filled.  The majority were still men, but there were enough women to fill a class-room.

                      ----This has multiplied many times now. 

IMAGINE–a peace-filled you!!   -------full of the knowledge that you are acceptable-----  in the sight of God and man,  approved of and appreciated.  You CAN look others STRAIGHT in the eye, with a warm, genuine smile and nothing to hide. “With God, nothing is impossible.”


 “If you greatly desire something, have the guts to stake everything on obtaining it.”

                                           Brendan Francis

Would you like to meet those that have already taken such steps to reach out for help to find who they really are as sons and daughters of God?  Or those that like you, had the courage, but weren’t sure where to go for help from others.  I commend you!!  To even have the desire to do so or a desire to have the desire, is a huge first step.  

Maybe you’ve had the desire, got discouraged and slipped back a time or two (or three?).  What matters is now!  You are reading this!  That says there is at least an intrigue, a spark that is hopeful, possibly of change for a better, happier, more stable YOU!!  All of us have to start (and restart) somewhere.  The climb upwards is never a steady, easy climb.  It wouldn’t strengthen us in the process if it were.

                          HERE YOU GO !!


SOUGHT OUT is a support organization, and a member of the ministry network, EXODUS INTERNATIONAL.  They offer a 27 week “Living Waters”, Christ-centered course for people seeking restoration in the areas of sexual and relational brokeness.  Their numbers are info@soughtout.org and 757-631-0099.




PATH is an umbrella organization, comprised of many organizations, many faith-based and some scientific.  Their effort is nation wide.  www.pathinfo.org.


A forerunner of support organizations, for those desiring to overcome same-gender attraction.   They have continued to grow in their successful outreach.  Much is available through their organization, from counseling, speakers , literature and more--- year round.          

 more info-http://www.exodus-international.org/


 mail-P.O. Box 540119

 Orlando, Florida 32854

More info. on other organizations-later on–keep scrolling if interested!  

THANK YOU for seeking, for the desire to seek to change your life for a better, more joyful one.  By so doing, you strengthen us ALL !!  I believe, that we are all connected in a way that is higher and better than what we can possibly understand right now. 

I offer this book for you who believe that you do have a higher purpose, and want to achieve and manifest your purpose in life.  May it help strengthen your resolve.

To make your way easier –as a limited,“CELEBRATING NEW LIFE OFFER”  By purchasing, HEALING TOGETHER At an introductory price of $13.00!  

You will also receive a FREE Copy of— I Create Reality - Beyond Visualization, by Christopher Westra  


Christopher Westra is fast becoming a popular, successful E-book author, as well as consultant.  He specializes in teaching us how to take control of our lives and our minds through positive, motivating, energizing methods.  

  I am recommending that his book be used as a possibility and resource, after prayer, seeking guidance for your own individual program.  I do JOYFULLY offer it.  Chris offers wisdom, that eases the way for us to change our habits without beating ourselves up in the process. 

 Chris does not always allow his books to be offered as a FREE  BONUS.  I’m grateful to him.

 Bonnie Boren has studied Holistic healing for nineteen years. Graduate of International Academy of Lymphology. Graduate of Ann Wigmore Institute.  Graduate of Utah Collage of Massage Therapy. She has enjoyed teaching others principles of health for thirteen years.

I attempted hobbling through twenty years of marriage, while trying to fight the battle of Same-Gender-Attraction, unsuccessfully.

Finally, after all seemed lost, I turned the battle over to the Lord (or at least made the first step to), who has already won each of our battles for us.  Feel the release of tension, in knowing that you CAN be surrounded by Heavenly Beings to protect, guide, comfort,  and bless your life.  You don’t have to Battle alone Anymore.  

By purchasing HEALING TOGETHER, you will become part

of the establishing of a new non-profit organization, called


The money I would receive from the sales of the book, HEALING TOGETHER, will go towards that company’s formation.  Would you like to know more??  You may contact - rosegardens96@hotmail.com.


  If for any reason, you aren’t completely satisfied with the book, HEALING TOGETHER, just contact me within 60 days and I’ll refund 100% of your purchase price!–NO questions asked.


Here’s how to order right now!     HEALING TOGETHER  is only $13 for this introductory offer.

 Click here to order now!  

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It doesn't matter if it's the middle of the night! 

You will be downloading and reading this information within just a few minutes... and using it to create the reality you deserve!

                                   Your healing is worth it!


   If you have any trouble at all with the download process, I will make sure you get access to your book.  I’m hoping for your success and healing too! 



                                  EVERGREEN  INTERNATIONAL

A successful, fast-growing, support organization for those desiring to overcome same-gender attraction, AS WELL AS THE FAMILIES AND OTHERS WHO ARE DESIROUS TO HELP.  They offer counseling now in five different languages.  They also publish a newsletter of other ongoing activities and information. 

  Info@evergreeninternational.org   801-363-3837 (363-EVER) or 800-391-1000 (toll-free).

Mailing address: Evergreen International

 307 West 200 South

 Suite 4006

 Salt Lake City, UT 84101   USA


                                      LIVING HOPE MINISTRIES

                 A Redemptive Response to the issue of homosexuality-

This ministry offers online forums, monthly news letters and document down-loads and conferences.  Their contact information is-

Mailing address: Living Hope Ministries

                            P.O. Box 2239

                           Arlington, Tx. 76004

                           Phone:817-459-2507 E-mail info@livehope.org  

AND MORE!! Please–keep scrolling




Is a non-profit Christian Ministry that provides audio, printed and video materials, consultations, seminars and support to those who are helping adults severely abused as children.

 Contact Information: Telephone 540-249-9119

                                   Postal-PO Box 479, Grottoes, VA 24441-0479

                                   E-mail: sheila@rcm-usa.org



                     COMPASSION  MINISTRY

Is a resource for training leaders of congregations as well as communities in the art of compassion.  Their phone is:417-862-2181

Their E-mail is www.enrichmentjournal.ag.org

 FOR ALL :  There are two book stores that are an excellent source of help.  One is called REGENERATION BOOKS __  regenbooks@regenerationministries.org   410-661-0284   

P.O. Box 9830 Baltimore, MD 21284-9830.

 The other is www.christianbook.com   1-800-Christian.

                                   May your lives be blessed with joy

                                   and peace on your journey,    

                                             Bonnie Boren 

You have everything to gain, and nothing to lose with a 100% money-back guarantee

Healing Together 
HC13 PO Box 300565 
Fayette, UT 84630


Copyright 2005 Bonnie Boren